Impacts of Plastic Use on Environmental and Human

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Aoub Almuntser AlBskri


This paper tries to identify the concept of plastic and its important
vital role in our contemporary life. We don’t find an industrial
product without one of the types of plastic. The study of plastic
pollution, effects the environmental and the human health. It
causes many problem as a result of traditional methods of disposal
of plastic waste, which are burning and landfilling and dumping
them in the seas and oceans. These in turn cause serious damage
to living organisms and the environment. This damage from plastic
waste is due to the fact that it contains polymeric substances which
are not degraded by natural factors, whether biological or environmental. The waste is containing added chemicals for the
purpose of improving their properties and reducing their cost. This
has led to the attention of many countries of the world to show
several modern ways to dispose and get benefit from plastic waste,
which includes recycling, energy production and the development
of alternative to some plastic products such as bioplastics.
Successful experiments have also shown the importance of
adopting special legislation and laws to deal with plastic waste at
the international, regional and local levels.

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How to Cite
AlBskri, Aoub Almuntser. 2022. “Impacts of Plastic Use on Environmental and Human”. Al-Qurtas Journal for Human and Applied Sciences, no. 18 (May).