أفعال الكلام التعبيرية في رواية الفضيلة دراسة تداولية تحليلية

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سعاد إحميد عمر


This research paper deals with expressive speech acts, by tracking these acts in the novel in an incomplete, inductive way, which satisfies the goal that this research aims to achieve, which is to explain the importance and function of these acts in the novel. Expressive acts are one of a group of speech acts that have their purpose. Achievement in language, and the theory of (speech acts) is one of the most important theories in the field of pragmatic linguistics, and it is a theory that has occupied and continues to occupy scholars in their various specializations, from linguists through psychologists, sociologists, communication, and others, due to its importance in interpreting language.

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How to Cite
عمر سعاد إحميد. 2024. “أفعال الكلام التعبيرية في رواية الفضيلة دراسة تداولية تحليلية”. Al-Qurtas Journal for Human and Applied Sciences 3 (24). https://alqurtas.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/qjhar/article/view/880.