Networked Radio Frequency identification Systems Security and Privacy Issues

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Mahdi Abdel Salam Ajal
Yunus Al-Mahdi Guenidi
Hamida Ali Al Aswad


Radio Frequency identification (RFID) is one of the enabling technologies of the Internet of Things. The pervasiveness of this technology has given rise to a number of serious issues including security and privacy concerns. and this technology has the potential to enable machines to identify objects, understand their status, and communicate and take action if necessary, to create real time awareness. This paper will discuss current technology usage issues and conduct a threat analysis of the radio frequency identification system components then identify issues/risks and elucidate how these issues can be resolved or risks can be mitigated.

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Comment citer
Ajal, Mahdi Abdel Salam, Yunus Al-Mahdi Guenidi, et Hamida Ali Al Aswad. 2022. « Networked Radio Frequency Identification Systems Security and Privacy Issues ». مجلة القرطاس للعلوم الانسانية والتطبيقية, nᵒ 18 (mai).