التداعيات الأمنيــــــة للهجرة غير الشرعية بالساحل الغربي في المجتمع الليبي

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عبدالرزاق ميلود إبراهيم المودي


The study aimed to identify the security implications of irregular migration on the western coast of Libya by examining the following aspects: the impact of irregular migration on internal security in Libya, the social and economic dynamics contributing to the exacerbation of irregular migration issues in the western coastal areas of Libya, how political chaos in Libya can enhance the activities of smuggling networks and organized crime related to irregular migration, and finally, the effective policies and measures that Libyan and international authorities can adopt to reduce irregular migration flows and improve border management on the western coast of Libya. A descriptive approach was used due to its appropriateness for the study's objectives. The study reached the following conclusions: Irregular migration on the western coast of Libya enhances the activities of smuggling networks and organized crime, leading to increased chaos and instability, higher crime rates and social tensions, and complicating border management, thus weakening the government’s ability to maintain political and security stability. Social and economic dynamics on the western coast of Libya, such as weak political stability, high poverty and unemployment rates, contribute to the exacerbation of irregular migration issues and boost the activities of smuggling networks and organized crime, further complicating the security situation. Political chaos in Libya strengthens the activities of smuggling networks and organized crime due to weakened central authority and security instability, facilitating their operations and undermining the government’s ability to control borders and enforce the law. Reducing irregular migration flows and improving border management requires enhancing international and regional cooperation, improving border surveillance using modern technologies, addressing economic and social challenges, and providing humanitarian support and awareness about the risks of irregular migration.

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How to Cite
المودي عبدالرزاق ميلود إبراهيم. 2024. “التداعيات الأمنيــــــة للهجرة غير الشرعية بالساحل الغربي في المجتمع الليبي”. Al-Qurtas Journal for Human and Applied Sciences 2 (25). https://alqurtas.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/qjhar/article/view/1000.