مفهوم التربية عند أبي حامد الغزالي وابن القيم الجوزية

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محمد عبدالقادر وروارة


Through this study, we conclude that education is one of the most important pillars on which nations and peoples depend for their progress and advancement, because it illuminates the path of the present and the future. It aims to refine the individual and develop his sensory, mental, and psychological abilities, that is, supervising the child’s upbringing and care. And directing it is the responsibility of the educator, and with the development of human life it has evolved from its simple concept, i.e. imitation and emulation, to practical and lively education that depends on contemplation, consideration and reasoning. Education has a close relationship with philosophy because it is the product of philosophical doctrines. Only Muslim philosophers had a major role in establishing the rules of education through their views and educational perception, such as Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali and Ibn Al-Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah. Al-Ghazali’s educational thought is the result of a comprehensive and integrated Islamic perception of the universe, man, society, knowledge, and human values. As for Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, he is considered a definitive model of good education. The goal of education for him is to preserve nature and protect it from deviation, through instilling virtuous morals. Fighting bad morals and achieving childhood happiness. Education according to Imam al-Ghazali and Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah is derived from the Holy Qur’an and the purified Sunnah of the Prophet, which made them at the forefront of Islamic thinkers who were keen to serve this nation and preserve it from intellectual pollution.

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وروارة محمد عبدالقادر. 2024. “مفهوم التربية عند أبي حامد الغزالي وابن القيم الجوزية”. Al-Qurtas Journal for Human and Applied Sciences 3 (25). https://alqurtas.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/qjhar/article/view/1063.