الموارد المائية في مدينة مزدة ما بين احتياج السكان وثلوث المياه الجوفية

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مفتاح مصباح محمد الفحاج


This study was conducted with the aim of evaluating water resources in Mizdah City and knowing the extent of the population's need and consumption of water, as well as studying some chemical and physical properties of groundwater wells in the region. This study targeted 6 groundwater wells and several variables were studied, including total depth, production capacity, drilling year, elevation above sea level, static and moving water level, and subsidence. Some properties of the water in these wells were studied, which were represented in the pH, total dissolved salts, bicarbonates, sulfates, nitrates, nitrites, sodium and potassium ions. The results obtained showed that the population consumption rate in the city of Mizdah is higher than the production rate by 537.9 m3, which is compensated by private wells and tanks. Also, through the results of the laboratory analysis, it was shown that the most polluted well is the eastern Arqoub well, where the total concentration of total dissolved salts reached 3135 mg/L, in addition to the presence of concentrations of nitrates and nitrites, which reached 12 mg/L and 54 mg/L, respectively. While the least polluted well was the hospital well, where the concentration of total dissolved salts reached 1196 mg/L. These concentrations are higher than the permissible limits according to the national standard specification. The average concentrations of each of the pH, bicarbonates, sulfates, sodium and potassium ions reached 7.26, 193.2 mg/L, 829.2 mg/L, 127.6 mg/L, 22.6 mg/L, respectively, which are higher than the permissible limits. According to the Libyan standard specification.

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How to Cite
الفحاج مفتاح مصباح محمد. 2025. “الموارد المائية في مدينة مزدة ما بين احتياج السكان وثلوث المياه الجوفية”. Al-Qurtas Journal for Human and Applied Sciences 1 (26). https://alqurtas.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/qjhar/article/view/1101.