The importance of railways creating Sustainable Spatial development between Neighboring

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منصور علي قلية


The Study material is a study of the last railnay wire in the transfer is the subject of the Study and the Sustainable possibility of the neighboring Countries that are interested in the few. •F king To wedcars and Large trucks, the action of the materials the rules, and god will Leave When passing through these Countries, which necessitated Linking traffic james ang problems and these countries by rail The researcher has reached many recommeneltions and the sector presented to it, which are aimed at developing the place and creating Jop opportunity in achieving a shortage and an economic and Sweet exchange Lorn for anumber of places that this Sadness needs

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How to Cite
قلية منصور علي. 2025. “The Importance of Railways Creating Sustainable Spatial Development Between Neighboring”. Al-Qurtas Journal for Human and Applied Sciences 1 (26).