التعليم الإلكتروني المعزز بتكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في زمن الكورونا: بين الأزمة والفرصة
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The Corona Virus pandemic forced the governments of the world to close educational institutions, causing 89% (more than 1.5 billion learners) from 188 countries to be denied access to educational institutions to receive elearning. With this proliferation, faculty members in university and preuniversity education have been mandated to move to tele-teaching in emergency situations which is the transition from teaching in the classroom to the use of tele-teaching by employing various types of technology that start with the Internet through satellite channels and radio broadcasting . What are the most important difficulties that face us as faculty, students, and institutions of higher education in implementing the e-learning and enhanced education solution in the face of disrupting universities? The paper aims to highlight the e-learning enhanced with information and communications technology, which changed a lot. In more detail, we can monitor a set of goals that we are working towards: - Learn about the concept of e-learning enhanced with information and communication technology and its role in changing the concept of the Internet.
Challenges and reasons for designing e-learning, enhanced with information and communications technology. Information and communication technology-enhanced e-learning features and applications. - Benefits of using ICT-enabled e-learning in education The most important problems in the field of education, and ways to solve them using e-learning enhanced with information and communications technology - E-learning, enhanced by information and communications technology, uses and prospects for the future. - Barriers to using e-learning enhanced with information and communications technology.