دور الإذاعة المرئية في تغيير وظائف الأسرة دراسة ميدانية على عينة من طلبة المدرسة المركزية الجنوبية بصبراتة
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The research deals with the role of visual radio in changing family functions by identifying the most important role of radio in changing family functions among the students of Sabratha Central School for Boys and Girls on the research sample of 30 male and female students from the preparatory stage. The research relied on the descriptive survey method to suit this type of research. The questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data from the research sample, and the research resulted in the following results:
1 - The study proved that radio broadcasting has a significant impact on changing family jobs, and (50%) of the study members confirmed this.
2 - The study proved that watching educational and cultural programs affects the child by (67%) of the study sample
3 - The study proved that the follow-up of soap operas that are shown on the visual radio sometimes affects the child by (68%) of the study sample.
In light of the search results, the following can be recommended
1 - The visual radio must address the problems of society through awareness programmers.
2 - Television, in particular, Libyan programs, must show programs that discuss community issues, instead of other programs that do not benefit people.
3 - Dubbed soap operas should not be shown because they have a great impact on the personality of members of society and represent a danger to them.