تأثير الفعالية التضادية لمستخلص قشور نبات الرمانL.( Pomegran Punica granatum على نمو كل من فطر Alternaria sp وفطر Candida sp اللذان تم عزلهما من الهواء الجوي.
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The effect of different concentrations of aqueous extract of the peels of the pomegranate plant Punica granatum L. (Pomegranate) was studied on the growth of both Alternaria sp and Candida sp. The results showed that the extract of pomegranate peels that were soaked for two hours under a temperature of 40 ̊c did not It gives a positive result for both fungi under study By comparing the fungal growth of the dishes containing the different concentrations with the control dishes، the results of measuring the fungal growth in the dishes containing the concentrations of 10، 20% were close to the results of the control treatment. That is، the extract did not affect the growth of these fungi، but the 30% concentration in both fungi had growth، but less intense compared to the rest of the dishes containing 10،20% concentration. As for the results obtained from the extract of pomegranate peels that were soaked for 24 hours under the same temperature conditions، they were completely different. The slow growth of the fungi colonies was evident with the increase in concentration، meaning that all dishes showed positive results in reducing fungal growth compared to the control dishes. It was noted that Fungal growth of both fungi completely stopped at 30% concentration.