The Role of Extensive Reading in Developing English Vocabulary for EFL Libyan Learners

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Hajar Youssef Ammar Hamrouni


Extensive reading is widely recognised as a vehicle to English proficiency in EFL and EsL settings as it helps the learners to build their vocabulary and develop their reading comprehension skills. Reading for pleasure and the learners having the chances to choose of what they want to read is what makes extensive reading more effective in learning English vocabulary. This paper reviewed the importance of reading extensively in general and for developing English vocabulary learning in specific. It is also focused on how can adapt an extensive reading program to be implemented in EFL Libyan classrooms. The principles of any extensive reading program which are suggested by Day and Bamford(1998) and how can teachers choose the materials intended to be used in this program were also reviewed.

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Comment citer
Hamrouni, Hajar Youssef Ammar. 2022. « The Role of Extensive Reading in Developing English Vocabulary for EFL Libyan Learners ». مجلة القرطاس للعلوم الانسانية والتطبيقية 2 (الجزء الثاني).