Symbolism and symbolism in modern Libyan poetry (khaled zaghbia's poetry as a model)
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This study dealt with the issue of symbolism in modern Libyan poetry represented . by the experience of the poet khaled zaghbia as a model . it began with an introduction that included the reason for choosing the research topic and the desired goal behind the study .it also mentioned what I had in myhands of previous studies and research in the field of its topic, with a comment summarizing the most important things contained in those previous studies. The method on which the study will be based was also mentioned,which is the descriptive analytical method. Then the research steps pegan,which initially aimed to define the concept of( symbol)in the origin of the language,and the development of its meanings until the symbol became the pillar upon which the modern symbolic school in literature was built,and how that meaning depended on broadcasting suggestions and gestures in the multiblication of the literary work,aiming to create(amazement)and achieve the passion for(artistic craftsmanship)among many symbolic poest in western and arab literature ,respectively ,and then the transfer of symbolism to the poetry movement in lipya . The study did not focus on the impact of symbolism in khaled zaghba's poetry-especially- as it focused on thepoets era after him in explaining the types of symbolism that were more prominent in his poems than others.blaha explains the basics of sex,which varied between the correspondent of the senses,diagnosis,internal diagnosis,internal dialogue.and the prediction of the rhyme,in order to sell what the psychological mood of the poet calls for.the study concluded with a conclusion that included the most important results of the research,in addition to a listof dead sources and references.