دراسة إحصائية لمعرفة تأثير التدخين في الاصابة بسرطان الرئة وتأثيره النفسي في المعهد القومي لعلاج الأورام صبراتة ( للسنوات من 2003-2020)

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مصطفى رمضان دخان
أسماء الطاهر أبراهيم الشريف
محمد السوري أحمد الجرمي


Lung cancer occupies the second rank in terms of the percentage of cancers recorded in the global cancer registry, and men come in the first rank. What was indicated by many studies, all of which confirmed that the infection of males is more than that of females. 2-The effect of smoking on the incidence of lung cancer, as smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers. 1-The effect of the place of residence on the incidence of lung cancer, and this may be due to the pollution of the environment surrounding the place of residence. 3-There is a relationship between sex and lung cancer. 4- The majority of lung cancer rates for females were in the second stage of the disease, where the rate was 41.7% of the sample size, while males were mostly in the fourth stage of the disease, where the percentage was 39.1%. 5- The incidence of lung cancer in males and females in all years varies from year to year. 6-The highest percentage of people with lung cancer out of the sample size for females was in the age group (40-50) years, at 41.7%. As for the highest percentage of people with lung cancer among males, they were in the age group (50-60), where their percentage was 36.4%. Then the age group (40- 50), where their percentage was 27.3%.

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How to Cite
دخان مصطفى رمضان, الشريف أسماء الطاهر أبراهيم, and الجرمي محمد السوري أحمد. 2023. “دراسة إحصائية لمعرفة تأثير التدخين في الاصابة بسرطان الرئة وتأثيره النفسي في المعهد القومي لعلاج الأورام صبراتة ( للسنوات من 2003-2020)”. Al-Qurtas Journal for Human and Applied Sciences 1 (22). https://alqurtas.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/qjhar/article/view/711.