تصور مقترح لتفعيل الدور المهني للأخصائي الاجتماعي في المؤسسات الطبية "دراسة مطبقة على العاملين بالمركز الطبي طبرق"

Main Article Content

جلال براني الدامي
فتحي جاب الله إدريس


The aim of the current research is to reach a proposed

conception to activate the professional role of the social worker in medical institutions, from the point of view of workers in the health sector, a field study on the Tobruk Medical Center, by identifying the services provided by the social worker in the medical institution, and identifying how to activate the role of the specialist The social worker with the medical team, identifying how to activate the role of the social worker with patients, and reaching a proposed vision to reduce the obstacles that the social worker may face in performing his professional role in the medical institution, as this research belongs to the descriptive research style, and in line with the type of research, the researcher relied on the method The social survey, and relied on the questionnaire data collection tool through a sample of (9) doctors, (46) nurses, and (5) administrators, with a total number of (60) employees of the Medical Center in Tobruk, and the results and proposals of the research indicated: Regarding the suggestions that help reduce the obstacles that the social worker may face in performing his professional role in the medical institution: the sample responses about (providing the material and in-kind capabilities to work for the social worker), came to a good level, with a total of weights (177), and a weighted average ( 2.9), a standard deviation (2.2), and a general trend (yes), and the most important of these proposals were the following: Reducing the administrative work of the social worker, providing a sufficient number of social workers in the medical field, and the necessity that the work of the medical social worker be compatible with his abilities. While the proposals were as Reducing the administrative burden on the shoulders of the medical social worker, which restricts his role and limits his performance of his duties in assisting the medical team Urging managers to give social workers the real opportunity to carry out their professional roles and tasks within hospitals and medical centers.

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How to Cite
الدامي جلال براني, and إدريس فتحي جاب الله. 2023. “Quot”;. Al-Qurtas Journal for Human and Applied Sciences 2 (23). https://alqurtas.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/qjhar/article/view/798.