مجهودات (جون روجرز سيرل) من خلال نظرية الأفعال الكلامية (الأوستنية)
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The philosopher (Searle) reconsidered the theory of speech acts of his teacher, ( Austin) . He developed the theory and worked to tighten its methodology. He presented a different classification based on a clear approach in terms of achievement. He divided the approach into the following dimensions: (achievement purpose, conformity direction, and sincerity). He divided them into five categories: (proofs, directives, obligations, expressions, and declaratives). He also distinguished between direct performativity acts and indirect acts. He also specified conditions for the success of indirect verbal acts, and set twelve standards by which each performativity act differs from the other. Therefore, John Searle is considered the first to adopt, explain, and develop the idea of his teacher, Osin.