دور البحث العلمي في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة في الدول العربية والأفريقية بين الواقع والتطلعات

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علي سعيد المهنكر


This research aims to explore the depths of scientific research in Arab and African countries, identify its reality and issues, and the role it can contribute to achieving sustainable development based on the results of scientific research in various fields, especially after defining the concept and requirements of sustainable development and the ratification of most countries of the world at the Earth Summit in the Brazilian capital Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and defining the sustainable development goals 2016 - 2030 in 2015, and given the huge potential of Arab and African countries and a large number of academic and research institutions, but they are still far from entering global competitions and employing research What is the role of scientific research in achieving sustainable development in Arab and African countries?

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How to Cite
المهنكر علي سعيد. 2024. “دور البحث العلمي في تحقيق التنمية المستدامة في الدول العربية والأفريقية بين الواقع والتطلعات”. Al-Qurtas Journal for Human and Applied Sciences 3 (24). https://alqurtas.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/qjhar/article/view/882.