المواقف العربيـــة والإقليمية من العــدوان الصهيونــي على قطاع غزة عقب عملية طوفان الأقصـــــى /7أكتوبر 2023م.

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فوزي محمد المختار امحمد


The positions of the Arab and regional countries taken together at the official level did not exceed the limits of vocal denunciations, denunciations, condemnations, and appeals to the international community to intervene and call for non-escalation and to preserve the lives of civilians on both sides. At the popular level, the Arab peoples witnessed a state of anger that was reflected in massive protests and demonstrations, at the level of almost all Arab regions and cities, in a position completely contradictory to the position of the ruling regimes. However, the intensity of the protests and demonstrations subsided by the end of the third week and fell far below the level and scene that had been achieved. We saw it in the first week.

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How to Cite
امحمد فوزي محمد المختار. 2024. “المواقف العربيـــة والإقليمية من العــدوان الصهيونــي على قطاع غزة عقب عملية طوفان الأقصـــــى /7أكتوبر 2023م”. Al-Qurtas Journal for Human and Applied Sciences 1 (25). https://alqurtas.alandalus-libya.org.ly/ojs/index.php/qjhar/article/view/957.