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Vol. 1 No. 26 (2025): العدد السادس والعشرون المجلد الاول - مارس 2025
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محتويات المجلد (العربية)
Guidance and a course in addressing community problems
علي محمد الصغير
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The role of psychological and personality tests in psychological diagnosis and treatment in Libya A study on Al-razi Hospital for psychiatric and neurological diseases in Tripoli
سالم المختار علي أمبارك
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Evaluating the reality of physical education in the basic education stage from one point of view View of physical education teachers
هشام محمد سعيد
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The Relative Contribution of Quality of Work Life in Predicting Psychological Capital Among a Sample of Faculty Members at the College of Education – Al-Mergib University
عائدة سلامة السوداني العربي
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Measuring the Effectiveness of an Intensive Training Course in Radio Program Production: A Case Study of Shababia Radio
خالد أبوالقاسم علي خبريش
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خــــروج الـمـرأة للـعمـــل بـيـن الـسـلـبـيـات والإيـجـابـيـات
سميرة عمار حركات عواج
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عمل المرأة ودوره في الاستقرار الأسري
نجاة عامر امحمد
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Unemployment in Al Qawasim area: A study in population geography
صالحة محمد حسين الشيباني
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Desert tourism in Ubari region: attractions and investment obstacles
محمد محمد الأمين الخليل
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الموارد المائية في مدينة مزدة ما بين احتياج السكان وثلوث المياه الجوفية
مفتاح مصباح محمد الفحاج
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The importance of railways creating Sustainable Spatial development between Neighboring
منصور علي قلية
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The impact of geopolitical factors on the development of administrative structures in the Libyans state (study in political geography )
نجاة عبد السلام فطيس
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The method of deletion in the Diwan of Ka,b bin Zuhair: a grammatical and semantic study
دنيا رمضان مصطفى الشتيوي
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Repetition of grammatical methods and their semantic role in Ahmed Qanabaeh,s poetry descriptive analytical study
زينب حسين مولود الرجيبي
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Effect of meaning letters in directing meaning in book of Qwate Aladelah by Assmaane as a model
أحمد مجتبى السيد محمد
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الوصل والفصل في سورة النصر (دراسة في نحو النص)
هالة محمد شتاوة
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The exclamatory formula (ma af`ala) between nominal and verbal forms. A ( grammatical study of the opinions of grammarians in the two schools: (Basri and Kufi)
صالح إبراهيم حامد محمد البي
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The Argumentative Analysis of Poetry Poem: Don’t complain to people about the wound you caused To the poet Kareem Al Eraqi
فوزية مولود علي خفافة
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Ibn Al-Sarraj's Views on: (Ibn Aqil's Explanation on Ibn Malik's Alfiyya)
مريم مفتاح ميلاد الربيقي
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Symbolism and symbolism in modern Libyan poetry (khaled zaghbia's poetry as a model)
نعيمة مفتاح بركة
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The Value of Beauty, Its Functional Criteria, and Methods of Measurement in Interior Spaces and Architecture
عبدالحكيم رمضان علي أبوشوشة
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The justice of the text and its shortcomings in the associated with the marriage contract
أسماء عبد السلام حسن عمر
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سليمان جمعة موسى
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The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Stages of Criminal PROCEEDINGS
عارف يخلف بن حسين, زهريـــة عمر عبدالله
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The implications of artificial intelligence applications on the auditing and accounting professions
عبدالعزيز حوسين سعد محمد
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ثقافات العصر الحجري الحديث في ليبيا ( الثقافة الليبية القفصية أنموذجاً 7000ــ 5000ق.م )
توفيق مسعود الهادي راشد
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The Economic Life in Libya During the Islamic Era (132-184 AH / 479- 800 CE)
ربيعة عبدالسلام أحمد خليفة
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The Impact of Organizational Culture as A Moderating Variable in The Relationship Between Risk Management and Technology Project Performance
Fatma Rajab Ben Hussein, Nahg Abdul Majid Alawi
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Obstacles Encountered by secondary school students in Using ing-form (gerund) , Present participle and Participle Adjectives
Miftah Ali Abdullah Baroud
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